Artist Susan DuFresne Uses Art to Fight Racism in Education
Photo: Courtesy of Living In Dialogue
Artist Susan DuFresne Uses Art to Fight Racism in Education
By Anthony Cody | Published on Living in Dialogue | Anthony Cody is the author of The Educator And The Oligarch (Amazon; Barnes & Noble) | @AnthonyCody | Learn more about the featured book The History of Institutional Racism in U.S. Public Schools
Book: The History of Institutional Racism in U.S. Public Schools
Education / History / Policy & Reform / Standards (Incl. Common Core) / Charter Schools
7.5 x 9.2 inches | 164 pages | ISBN: 978-1942146728
$24.95 Paperback | $32.95 Hardcover
Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound | Powell’s Books
By Anthony Cody, Living in Dialogue
Last July, I joined several hundred people for a Restorative Justice Circle in downtown Seattle, sponsored by the Badass Teachers Association. The event was a somber one, featuring heartfelt discussions of the impact of racism, and the commitments each of us were willing to make to take on racism in our lives and work.
The backdrop for the event was an amazing set of banners, painted by Susan DuFresne, that told the story of institutional racism in public schools. Each banner was about four feet tall, and fifteen feet long. Following the rally, we marched to the headquarters of the Gates Foundation, where we protested their continuing role in promoting privatization and standardized testing practices that are damaging the lives of students of color.
The banners next made an appearance at the Network for Public Education conference, where they hung from the walls, as these issues were discussed by activists from all over the country
The banners spark conversation. When they are visible, they draw people to study and read them. In the Seattle park, passersby young and old took time to walk slowly by, reading the panels, and talking about the ways they have seen racism in their own lives. At the end of the event, participants wrote personal pledges regarding the fight against racism on the back of the banner.
The raw truthtelling DuFresne delivers is demanded by the lies we are being told. When our president asserts that “Our ancestors tamed a continent,” it is imperative that the real history be laid bare. Beginning from the age of Columbus, DuFresne shows how the children of the indigenous and enslaved were special targets for the settlers arriving on a continent inhabited by well developed cultures, and various forms of “education” were used to eliminate those cultures and languages.
Through her hand-painted illustrations, DuFresne brings scenes to life, so we see the faces of the Native American children taken from their families to be “re-educated” at boarding schools. We learn of the rationales that supported these practices. We also learn of resistance – the schools organized to serve African American children after the Civil War. We learn of the Freedom Schools of the Civil Rights Movement.
But the book does not treat racism as a thing of the past. DuFresne draws a direct line between the racism of the Eugenics movement, which brought standardized testing into the mainstream a hundred years ago, and the use of such tests today to justify school closures. Her pictures convey the impact of phony reforms like No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top and the Common Core, and the billionaires promoting them. Some of the proceeds of the book will be donated to anti-racist movements.
Recent research has shown that when students are taught that our social systems are “fair” to all, this has a perverse effect. Students of color reach middle school age and discover that this fairness is a myth, and in fact, racism continues to limit their opportunities. This discovery can lead to bitter disillusion, and even rebellious behavior. Those of us who have taught middle school students are familiar with this. This book offers us a chance to acknowledge and understand the reality that our students are grappling with. It should be required reading by educators and students alike, as it helps us understand the world we live in, so we can work together to change it.
Learn More about the Book, The History of Institutional Racism in U.S. Public Schools
Learn more about The History of Institutional Racism in U.S. Public Schools. Available as a hardcover and paperback.
Praise and Reviews
“Teachers must read this! The History of Institutional Racism in U.S. Public Schools should be required reading for all people who work in education.” – Amazon reviews
“Every school library at every level should contain this book and have it prominently displayed. Every parent should get this book and study it with their children. This book is a masterpiece of art and history.” – Thomas Ultican
“When, you have fought the battles against racism and inequity in your classroom, in your school building, in your district, in the nation, you marched everywhere, spoke on every soap box offered, and you find words alone can’t win this fight? Then you, draw it, paint it, and color it, and throw it out to the world.” – Amazon reviews
“Thank you for your beautiful, thoughtful examination of institutional racism in American schooling. I know I will reread and reflect upon this sad history, take inspiration from past & present activists, and continue to advocate for children—all children.” – Amazon reviews
“This book offers us a chance to acknowledge and understand the reality that our students are grappling with. It should be required reading by educators and students alike, as it helps us understand the world we live in, so we can work together to change it” – Anthony Cody, author of The Educator and the Oligarch
“The author has done an amazing job of depicting the systemic racism that historically shaped our public school system and opens up the door for conversations that we need to be having as we talk about the future creation of schools that all children deserve.” – Amazon reviews
“As a teacher, I will be using images from this book in my classroom. My class and I will do some of our own research and see what sort of action we decide to take as 5th graders. I will also be recommending this book as a teacher book club selection for my school and in my union.” – Amazon reviews
“The author has done an amazing job of depicting the systemic racism that historically shaped. A must-have for any educator today.” – Amazon reviews
“A must for K-12 educators and their students! As a teacher of high school students, I can think of many uses in classes including Social Studies, English, Science, Languages, and Art. In fact, in the hands of qualified educators, this is a rare tome that can be used instructionally K-12 in all curriculum areas.” – Amazon reviews
“When our president asserts that ‘Our ancestors tamed a continent,’ it is imperative that the real history be laid bare. ” – Amazon reviews
“This is a great book for schools, homes, colleges, and coffee tables. It must be seen to be believed. Do yourself a favor and buy yourself a copy today!” – Amazon reviews
“Vivid imagery and fascinating visual representation of shocking events on our nation’s history. I think we could all learn something from this book.” – Amazon reviews